The Netherlands, home to one of the world's premier natural gas trading hubs, TTF, is planning a hydrogen exchange. The project has already been named HyXchange. The national gas company Gasunie conducted some studies, according to which it became clear that certification is required for the practical organization of a hydrogen exchange, as well as the creation of a spot market (at the very beginning of the simulation), a price index, mechanisms for balancing physical volumes and storing hydrogen. The hydrogen price index is supposed to take into account the method of its production and the degree of the achieved reduction of CO2 emissions. The initiators of the initiative, represented by Gasunie, the country's port authorities and market participants, are confident that the H2 exchange can serve as a catalyst for the development of the climate-neutral hydrogen market. Experts see the transportation of hydrogen from different production methods (both «green» and other low-carbon H2) in the same network, as is the case with electricity or gas. At the same time, its added value for consumers will be preserved thanks to certification.