China's economy is showing a solid start to the year, and the authorities are ready to apply additional support measures in the event of a slowdown in growth, Central Bank spokesman Huang Yiping said. He noted that the stimulus measures introduced in September had stabilized the economy, allowing it to focus on structural reforms. Building business and consumer confidence remains a priority right now. Huang stressed the government's willingness to apply fiscal and monetary measures if necessary. At the same time, he described the current state of the economy as «quite good.» Despite trade disagreements that pose risks to exports, the authorities are refraining from significantly easing monetary policy, honoring their promise to maintain a «moderately soft» exchange rate. Despite the continuing difficulties with the growth of domestic consumption, the NBK focuses on ensuring the stability of the yuan. Huang warned that weakening the national currency to boost exports could undermine investor confidence. At the same time, the authorities are working to increase citizens' incomes and strengthen their confidence, which is an important step to prevent deflation.
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