Currently, investors are steadily optimistic about the US dollar. However, experts believe that this optimism may be a signal to sell the dollar. In their opinion, investors generally predict a strengthening of the dollar against other currencies such as the euro, the Australian dollar and the British pound. This attitude is due to expectations of the growth of the American economy and the introduction of new trade tariffs. Nevertheless, analysts believe that the positive expectations associated with the dollar are already largely reflected in its current value. They note that investors have already «internalized the idea of U.S. superiority,» which is pushing the dollar higher. In addition, experts warn of a possible reassessment by investors of the speed, scale and impact of changes in US trade policy that the Trump administration plans to implement. In this regard, analysts advise investors to consider selling the dollar by buying AUD/USD or GBP/USD. The British pound and the Australian dollar are relatively less exposed to trade tensions and are now trading near historical lows.